Scott Duvall
Real Estate Salesperson
The Real Estate Bay is a boutique technology driven brokerage located in Toronto. Our unmatched digital listing and marketing services offer our clients representation with vast reach, unparalleled service, and a commitment to provide a better experience. Established in 2011, the brokerage owns and operates 3 real estate websites which boast over 15,000 visitors each day: Realestatebay.ca, Listing.ca, and MortgageCalculator.ca.
How you buy and sell a home has changed. My commitment to exceptional client experiences has not. I entered into real estate based on my own experiences and a belief that I could do it better. My goal is to ensure that every client understands the process each and every step of the way. Explaining options, consequences and considerations is my commitment to you. Utilizing time tested processes and technological advancements to add value to my service and guidance is paramount. If you are looking for a Salesperson you can trust then please keep reading below to understand the process and to better prepare yourself for the goal of selling your home in a fast paced market with representation that has you at the forefront.
M: 647-212-8599
O: 416-551-6044

- 220 Duncan Mill Rd, suite 209
- Toronto, ON, M3B 3J5
- Website: www.Realestatebay.ca